Chris Ward

android developer public speaker engineering manager crow queen lgbt+ adhd type failed politician very mentally ill™ activist community broken thing fixer political party federal deputy chair *insert recent hyperfixation here*

Well hello there

My name's Chris and I live in Berlin with my husband Josh and my cat Sulu.

I'm an engineering manager, android developer, ADHD sufferer, public speaker, activist, former election candidate, and Tempelhofer Feld Crow Queen.

Anyway, this is the space where I try to bring a semblance of order to that lot of things. Thanks for popping by and, if you need to get in touch, tweet or email me.


Helping other people learn, whether the subject matter is code, mental health, or any other challenging subject matter, is something I've always enjoyed and got a good chunk of fulfillment from. Here you can see my latest talks...

droidcon NYC - September 2022

Coding for Good - Achieving social change with an app

droidcon Berlin - July 2022

Concurrency for Imposters

Green Tech Development & Social Responsibility

War in Ukraine - How can devs help?

We Are Developers Congress - June 2022

Coding and Mental Illness: A Survival Guide

droidcon Lisbon - April 2022

Coding and Mental Illness: A Survival Guide

droidcon London - October 2021

Coding and Mental Illness: A Survival Guide

droidcon Berlin - October 2021

Coding and Mental Illness: A Survival Guide

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